2019 May - 2019 Jun
Implemented a machine learning model in Python to improve subatomic particles identification to less than six in a million cases of misclassification (6e-6).
ML/DL Python Pytorch CNN LGBM
Implemented a machine learning model in Python to improve subatomic particles identification to less than six in a million cases of misclassification (6e-6).
ML/DL Python Pytorch CNN LGBMCreated a Shiny web app shows the survey of mental health programs effectiveness in Tech companies in 2014.
Data Visualization R ShinyappDesigned & developed an integrated waterproof data logging system that collects air & soil temperature, wind speed & direction and water flow runoff. The products is also capable of transmitting the relevant data over 3G to an IOT website for visualization.
C/C++ FSM Arduino IOTImplemented the PID control in C/C++ for the 2-DOF helicopter to recover from external disturbances in both the pitch and yaw directions. The final product recovers from any external disturbance quickly and with minimal oscillations.
C/C++ PID Arduino SolidworkDesigned, built, programed and tested an electromagnetic tether robot that keeps a fixed distance from the remote transmitter and also follows the user command to rotating 180 degrees, parallel parking and so on.
C Circuit design Prototyping