In computer vision prediction with bounding boxes, one way to measure the similarity between anchor boxes and the ground-truth bounding box is IOU (Intersection over uion), simply shown as following:
\[ \text{IOU} = \frac{\text{the area of the interection}}{\text{the are of the union}} \]
The following code is used to achieve this method.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
def cal_iou(rect1, rect2):
calculate IoU ratio of the intersecting area to the union area of two bounding boxes.
rect1: array-like (y1, x1, y2, x2) where (x1, y1) coordinates
in the upper-left corner and the (x2, y2) coordinates
in the lower-right corner of the rectangle 1
rect2: array like (y1, x1, y2, x2)
IOU value (scalar) between two rectangles
# decide the upper-left and bottom-right coordinates of the intersect rectangle
top = max(rect1[0], rect2[0])
left = max(rect1[1], rect2[1])
bottom = min(rect1[2], rect2[2])
right = min(rect1[3], rect2[3])
# check whether two rectangles have an intersection
if left < right and top < bottom:
# this shows that two rects truly have an intersection
# calculate area of each rectangle
s_rect1 = (rect1[2] - rect1[0]) * (rect1[3] - rect1[1])
s_rect2 = (rect2[2] - rect2[0]) * (rect2[3] - rect2[1])
# calculate the area of the intersection
intersection = (right - left) * (bottom - top)
return 1.0 * (intersection) / (s_rect1 + s_rect2 - intersection)
return 0.0